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Astrology predictions, calculations and reports provided by Aiteller.io are primarily based on Indian predictive astrology. All astrological calculations are done based on scientific equations and not based on any published almanac. Therefore, Aiteller.io does not compare its calculations with those in the almanacs and dispute them as a result.

Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of all published reports and calculations, it is impossible to rule out the possibility of unintentional errors. Therefore, Aiteller.io cannot be held liable for decisions made by anyone on the basis of this report. Nor are we liable for any decisions made on the basis of our calculations or reports. These reports or remedies are not a substitute for advice, planning or treatment you may obtain from licensed professionals (e.g., financial advisors, legal advisors, physicians, psychiatrists, etc.) The information, projections, reports and remedies provided by Aiteller.io should be used only as a reference for guidance and advice.